Huwebes, Marso 13, 2014

Goal-den Fridays - #FORWARDFRIDAY

             Goals and aims are inevitable in our lives. It’s what keeps us feeling worthy and fulfilled. That is why it is necessary to store an infinite set of goals and keep moving forward. But as we go along these tons of goalmouths, there’s a lot of struggles misdirecting us away from doing what is already scheduled and planned. This is what keeps the tasks seemingly hard to accomplish. Thus, disempowering us to make the most out of our days and our life.  Forward Friday lets us know how to keep moving forward by doing some little digital and sometimes actual habits to help us out in chasing those hostile and freaky distractions alongside.
              The augenblick this time tries to present what forward Friday is all about with a tinge of humor. The vlog first introduced what forward Friday means and basically what it does. Then it is followed by some reminders that might come in handy for us to first attain maximum potential in getting the targets done. The vlog then progresses to how the real deal is done. It is sorted out into steps to emphasize the importance of each and every stage showing how to break free from mediocrity and go beyond what is thought to be the limits.

                                                                                                     --Alyssa Mae Reyes

Miyerkules, Marso 5, 2014

Beyond the Lens

       Here's a photo collage showing what happened on last week's event
                                                                                                             --Jerryca Marie Dolon

Went Beyond Expectations

                A digital production doing an event for journalism students? Not bad at all! Well, technology and dissemination of information now go hand-in-hand, anyway. Thus, the one held by “Go Beyond Studios” last February 28 surely was helpful for PUP Journalism juniors (including the girls of Augenblick). And surprisingly, it wasn’t all about techy stuff after all but a useful guide in being successful in our future careers.

                Jeffrey Fontecha started the talk with what the company does in a nutshell.  With all those apps and games they’ve made, it’s undeniable that they can really make magic happen. Moreover, the audience-favorite probably was the “insta-print”. Oh, many of us got pretty excited on instantly printing our “selfies” (with a corresponding hashtag,  #ilovePUPCOC)posted on instagram. 

They also have prominent clients- Uniliver, Clear, Tang, and Mashable to name a few. Yup, the company is big-time. But can we work there? Ofcourse! Mr. Fontecha explained that we could help on the content by doing write-ups.  Ok, journ students who are currently looking for a job, you know what to do.
The next speaker was Melchor Jamero, the COO of the company. He first did a little background of his business and how he met his co-workers. After that, he proceeded to tackle his main topic, #ForwardFriday. It is an online social movement that aims the people to make most out of their days. Furthermore, this campaign invites us to post a dream or a plan every Friday. Well, studies show that the more you express your goal the more chances to achieve it. Thus, being a “#forwardfriday warrior“ surely is a good idea.

In addition, we were thrilled by his activities in which each of them has a corresponding lesson. Yup, Mr. Jamero surely taught us a lot about life and how not to live by mere “simple existence”. We learned the importance of attention and energy and such phrases like “a target you cannot see is a target you cannot hit”, “hindi talaga pwede and pwede na”, “Talangka mentality is for crabs”, and the one that struck me the most “You’ve been programmed since birth. But you have the power to escape, reboot and write your script”. Oh yes, let’s go beyond mediocrity.

The last speaker was Oddy Miranda who tackled about SEO. Through our online journalism subject, we already had a background on SEOs and how it’s useful on websites. Nonetheless, we still learned more about it, thanks to Mr. Miranda. He also introduced us to such terms most of us weren’t aware of like  Google Adwords, metadata, algorithm, indexing and web spiders. He had so many interesting topics, our low-quality facilities almost weren’t able to cope up with him.

All in all, the event was awesome! In such a short period of time, we learned a lot which were way beyond the lessons we had in school. Thus, I do hope this is just the first of so many events that Go Beyond Studios make in our University.
                                                                                              --Christine Joanne Reyes

Martes, Marso 4, 2014


                So we all know that ABNKKBSNPLAko The Movie is already showing. Well, the girls from Augenblick got a chance to watch the film 2 weeks before its actual premiere in cinemas. So awesome, right!?! Here’s what they have to say :

Weeks before the screening of ABNKKBSNPLAko, I checked out on its trailer in YouTube. Yeah, another movie about reunion I thought. I find this very usual and there’s nothing new to watch for in this movie. I find it as uninteresting really ‘coz I’ve seen a lot of movies about reunion and the like and they run on the same plot and storyline like as you watch it, you can predict what will happen next.
But I was so wrong, very wrong!
I’d eat up all these thoughts when I got to see the actual movie. This was different. This was fun and amazing!
Yes, I’ve read the book before but the story wasn’t plain as what was written by Bob Ong. The director, Mark Meily put another angle on the story, it was a bit twisted but the change was good, just perfectly done. Usually I feel bad whenever a book is turned into a movie and the story was changed. But this one isn’t like that because I loved it. I love Ong’s work but I loved the movie even more.
Well, it had shown the experiences of the usual students going through the rough course of being in elementary, the high school and of course college. I was laughing all throughout as I have seen the mischievous acts of elementary students and misadventures of those in high school. I remember my school days before and everything they have shown were very true.
I know everyone can relate to this one because we have gone through this. We know the feeling because we’ve been there. It’s just so nice to bring back the memories. It felt so good like I have revisited the past. It felt like I’ve ridden a time-machine and I’ve found myself sitting on my old classroom, with my old acquaintances.
It featured the puppy love, the first love and everything we loved before in the world we call school – which was the perfect eyewitness on the precious memories of our young life.
Not just that this movie made me laugh but I also felt ‘kilig’, it made me feel sad, kilig again, then laugh and laugh again and over again -- A lot of emotions really because I can really relate on the characters, on the story, on everything in it.
I loved it so much and one thing I’m sure of is that, I went home with a smile on my face.
“Para sa lahat ng ating mga naging guro,
Sa buhay.”
                                                                                                                                                                ---Joyce Velasco

                I and my friends were one of the luckiest folks who got a chance to watch the “12 year old Bob Ong book  turned movie”,  ABNKKBSNPLAko at the UP Cinema last Feb 5. A mammoth of people came. Hence, patience tested us as we fell in line for two hours just for the tickets. Well, at least we shall not wait for two weeks before seeing it on the big screen. 
                And as expected, it was awesome. The movie has a different flavor compared to the actual book since the story with “special someone” was spiced up. Yet, most scenes still gave nostalgia on the one you read. Moreover, Jericho Rosales indeed justified his role as Roberto Ong. The crazy antics of Vandolph Quizon, Meg Imperial, and Andi Eigenman also added extra humor on the film. I also have to commend the kids who played the role of the little Roberto and Portia. Their scene was the crowd favorite!
                After the movie, the fun didn’t stop there. We were surprised after seeing Jericho Rosales as the lights were turned on again and realized he also watched. He and Direct Mark Meiley then entertained questions from the crowd and gave the 12th anniversary edition of the book to those who asked questions. We also met the rockstar of Philippine comics, Manix Abrera who also read Bob Ong’s opening speech for the film. And here’s what he did for us hihi.
                                                                                                                   --Christine Joanne Reyes